
Prof. Yoshitaka Okada | 岡田 至崇

Yoshitaka Okada is Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo. He received his BSc in electronic and electrical engineering from King’s College London, and MEng and PhD degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Tokyo. In 1990 he joined the Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba and then moved to RCAST in 2008. He was appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University in 1995-96, Visiting Fellow in the Department of Physics at Imperial College London in 2006, and Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall and Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in 2015.

Members List (as of May 2024)

Yusuke Oteki | 樗木 悠亮
Project Research Associate
Espaldon Bernice Mae Yu Jeco | エスパルドン ベーニス メー ユヘコ
Project Post Doc. Researcher
Kim Myeongok | 金 明玉
Project Post Doc. Researcher
Marie Legrand | マリー ルグラン
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow
Naoya Miyashita | 宮下 直也
NEDO Project Team Member
Yukiko Nakatomi | 中臣 由起子
Project Specialist
Misa Sembommatsu | 千本松 美佐
Project Specialist
Junko Takahashi | 高橋 淳子
Lab Assistant
Vaishnavi Thakur
PhD Student
Antoine Faugère
Intern student (École polytechnique)
Clément Courant
Intern student (École polytechnique)
Yuya Makino | 牧野 侑矢
Exchange student (Univ. Electro-Communications)
Takahiro Kouchi | 河内 貴宏
Exchange student (Univ. Electro-Communications)
Masaya Irimajiri | 入交 将也
Exchange student (Univ. Electro-Communications)